Seattle Marathon
The Seattle Marathon occurs on the last weekend of November. ACS members are welcomed and encouraged to volunteer for this exciting event. It's a well managed event that offers a good opportunity to learn and practice with equipment in the field.
Registration information will be posted here as we get closer to the event.
You will have the opportunity to assist with the full Marathon on Sunday and/or the Seattle Children’s Kids Marathon on Saturday.
Info the new route can be found on the SMA website:
To volunteer, you will need to attend one of these briefings where you’ll receive your packet of information: Because of the route changes, attendance at the briefings is very important. Please make every effort to attend one of the briefing session.
Saturday (a week before the event) at 10 am - Refresher
Saturday (a week before the event) at 2 pm - Full
Sunday (a week before the event) at 10 am – Full
Sunday (a week before the event) a 2 pm - Refresher
The full briefings are for new volunteers (or those who like to hear the full version). The refreshers for those volunteers who are experienced in Seattle Marathon. These briefings will be held at Fran Underwood’s home, 7065 121st Pl SE, Newcastle WA 98056. You’ll be provided with exceptionally delicious Krispy Kreme donuts and apple cider.
Please note: The amateur radio support for the Seattle Marathon is not a Seattle ACS event, you assume any risk associated with volunteering for this event, neither the City of Seattle or Seattle ACS assume any responsibility for injuries or damages.
Event Website::